速報APP / 娛樂 / Jokes - English Jokes

Jokes - English Jokes





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Jokes - English Jokes(圖1)-速報App

The largest database of jokes in your pocket! Over 9500 jokes sorted in more than 30 categories. With this application, you are sure to entertain you! With this application you will have a life happier than ever :-)

Jokes - English Jokes(圖2)-速報App

A choice of jokes of the following: Animal Jokes,Answer Me This,Baby Jokes,Bar Jokes,Beauty Jokes,Bird Jokes,Blonde,jokes,Brother and Sister,Burger Jokes,Business Jokes,Cannibal Jokes,Car and Train Jokes... And much much more!!

Jokes - English Jokes(圖3)-速報App

Whether you are on a network or offine Jokes app will definitely entertain and through constant updates and the continuous addition of new and new jokes will surely get tired! :-)

Jokes - English Jokes(圖4)-速報App

You can share jokes via e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Bluetooth and more ..

Jokes - English Jokes(圖5)-速報App

Have fun!

Jokes - English Jokes(圖6)-速報App